Mathématiques et Informatique Appliquées
du Génome à l'Environnement




Abraham Anne-Laure




Adress: INRAE - MaIAGE Unit
              Domaine de Vilvert - Bat 233
              78352 JOUY-EN-JOSAS CEDEX
Phone: +33 1 34 65 22 36

Research interest

I am interested in the development of new methods to study microbial ecosystem with metagenomic sequencing.


On-going projects


All my publications and communications are available on HAL INRAE and google schoolar


 Bioinformatics working groups

  •  2013-now Co-organiser of metagenomics working group of PEPI IBIS 
  • 2019-now In charge of the Workpackage ANNOT of the CATI BOOM 
  • 2015-2021 Board member of PEPI IBIS 

Supervising and co-supervising

  • 2023 - Mia Legras M2 internship  -  Master of Bioinformatics -  University Paris City (6 months)
    Identification of strain fluxes in a dairy food chain
  •  2021-2023 - Solène Pety M2 apprenticeship  -  Master of Bioinformatics - Rouen University (17 months)
    Development of methods for strain and genes fluxes from metagenomic datasets along an food production chain
  • 2019-2022 - Benoit Goutorbe  Ph. D student - Paris Saclay University 
    Developement & implementation of a precise method for human microbiota study with a clinical application
  • 2021 - Nathan Godart  L3 internship, Poitiers University (3 months)
    Test of Antobiotic Resistance Gene haplotype reconstructions methods in metagenomic datasets
  • 2020-2021 - Anne-Carmen Sanchez  M2 internship - Paris 6 University - Fixed-term contract engineer (11 months)
     Analysis of microbial diversity in metagenomic datasets - Analysis of genes and strains fluxes in chicken metagenomes

  • 2019 - Yassin El Djoudi  L3 internship, Poitiers University  (3 months) 
    Intraspecific polymorphism study on gut microbiota prevalent species from sequenced genomes.

  • 2018 - Daniel de Murat M1 internship - Master of Bioinformatics, Paris 7 University  (4 months)
    Comparative analysis of metagenomic analysis tools.

  • 2017-2019 - Quentin Cavaillé  Fixed-term contract engineer (18 months).
    Development of a tool for cheese ecosystem analysis with metagenomic datasets.

  • 2015-2017 - Thibaut Guirimand  Fixed-term contract engineer (23 months).
    Development of a tool for cheese ecosystem analysis with metagenomic datasets.

  • 2014-2016 - Charlie Pauvert M1 internship and M2 apprenticeship (2 years) -  Master of Bioinformatics - Rouen University.
    Cheese ecosystems metagenomics - Explorations & improvements around a bioinformatics tool

  • 2012 - Amira Hamdi  M2 internship - Master of Bioinformatics - Evry Universty  Cheese ecosystem analyses



Since 2017 : Research engineer in bioinformatics in MaIAGE Unit, team StatInfOmics

2011- 2016 : Research engineer in bioinformatics in Micalis, teams FME, Fine, IFE

2010 - 2011 : Post-Doc at IBENS (12 months) - Supervisor: Lionel Navarro

2009 - 2010 : Post Doc at ENS-Lyon (18 months) - Supervisor: Gaël Yvert

2005 - 2009 : Ph. D in bioinformatics in Atelier de Bioinformatique de Paris 6 - Supervisors: Eduardo Rocha and Joël Pothier

