Chargé de Recherche au sein de l'équipe BioSys
Email : laurent.tournier <at>
Tél : +33 (0)1 34 65 28 80
Adresse : INRAE - Unité MaIAGE
Bâtiment 210
Domaine de Vilvert
78350 Jouy-en-Josas
Thèmes de recherche
- Analyse de systèmes dynamiques déterministes continus (équations différentielles ordinaires), discrets (réseaux Booléens) et hybrides, par des méthodes mathématiques et algorithmiques ; Automatique.
- Modélisation mathématique de systèmes biologiques à différentes échelles : réseaux de régulation cellulaires (régulation génétique, transduction de signal), métabolisme, dynamique de populations (écosystèmes microbiens)
Projets de recherche récents
- 2022 - 2027 : Projet ANR InSync, Intercellular coupling and synchronization between peripheral circadian clocks. (ANR-22-CE45-0012)
- 2017 - 2021 : Projet ANR ICycle, Interconnection and feedback control of two cyclic modules in mammalian cells. (ANR-16-CE33-0016)
G. Mazo and L. Tournier. An inference method for global sensitivity analysis. Technometrics, 1-31.
A. Baliarda, M. Winkler, L. Tournier, C. R. Tinsley, and S. Aymerich. Dynamic interspecies interactions and robustness in a four-species model biofilm, MicrobiologyOpen, vol. 10, no. 6, p. e1254, 2021.
C. Moulin, L. Tournier, and S. Peres. Combining kinetic and constraint-based modelling to better understand metabolism dynamics, Processes, vol. 9, no. 10, p. 1701, 2021.
O. Diop, M. Chaves, and L. Tournier. Qualitative analysis of mammalian circadian oscillations: cycle dynamics and robustness, in Proc. CMSB'20, vol. 12314 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (Konstanz, Germany), pp. 176--192, 2020.
C. Moulin, L. Tournier, and S. Peres. Using a hybrid approach to model central carbon metabolism across the cell cycle, in Proc. 6th International Workshop on Hybrid Systems Biology (HSB'19), vol. 11705 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (Prague, Czech Republic), pp. 132--146, 2019.
O. Diop, L. Tournier, and V. Fromion. Summarizing complex asynchronous Boolean attractors, application to the analysis of a mammalian cell cycle model, in Proc. 18th European Control Conference (ECC'19), (Naples, Italy), pp. 1677--1682, IEEE, 2019.
A. Bulovic, S. Fischer, M. Dinh, F. Golib, W. Liebermeister, C. Poirier, L. Tournier, E. Klipp, V. Fromion, and A. Goelzer. Automated generation of bacterial resource allocation models, Metabolic engineering, vol. 55, pp. 12--22, 2019.
M. Chaves and L. Tournier. Analysis tools for interconnected Boolean networks with biological applications, Frontiers in Physiology, vol. 9, no. 586, 2018.
L. Tournier, A. Goelzer, and V. Fromion. Optimal resource allocation enables mathematical exploration of microbial metabolic configurations, Journal of Mathematical Biology, vol. 75, no. 6, pp. 1349--1380, 2017.
M. De Paepe, L. Tournier, E. Moncaut, O. Son, P. Langella, and M.-A. Petit. Carriage of lambda latent virus is costly for its bacterial host due to frequent reactivation in monoxenic mouse intestine, PLoS Genetics, vol. 12, no. 2, p. e1005861, 2016.
L. Tournier and M. Chaves. Interconnection of asynchronous Boolean networks, asymptotic and transient dynamics, Automatica, vol. 49, no. 4, pp. 884--893, 2013.
A. Zinovyev, S. Fourquet, L. Tournier, L. Calzone, and E. Barillot, Cell death and life in cancer: mathematical modeling of cell fate decisions. in Advances in Systems Biology (I. Goryanin and A. Goryachev, eds.), Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, pp. 261--274, 2012.
M. Chaves and L. Tournier. Predicting the asymptotic dynamics of large biological networks by interconnections of Boolean modules, in Proc. 50th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC'11), (Orlando FL, USA), pp. 3026--3031, IEEE, 2011.
L. Calzone, L. Tournier, S. Fourquet, D. Thieffry, B. Zhivotovsky, E. Barillot, and A. Zinovyev. Mathematical modelling of cell-fate decision in response to death receptor engagement, PLoS Computational Biology, vol. 6, no. 3, p. e1000702, 2010.
M. Chaves, L. Tournier, and J.-L. Gouzé. Comparing boolean and piecewise affine differential models for genetic networks, Acta biotheoretica, vol. 58, no. 2, pp. 217--232, 2010.
N. Meslem, V. Fromion, A. Goelzer, and L. Tournier. Stability analysis for bacterial linear metabolic pathways with monotone control systems theory, in Proc. 7th Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO'10)}, vol. 3, (Madeira, Portugal), pp. 22--29, INSTICC Press, 2010.
L. Tournier and M. Chaves. Operational interactions in genetic networks: application to an apoptosis signalling pathway, in Proc. 10th European Control Conference (ECC'08), (Budapest, Hungary), pp. 1889--1894, IEEE, 2008.
L. Tournier and M. Chaves. Uncovering operational interactions in genetic networks using asynchronous Boolean dynamics, Journal of Theoretical Biology, vol. 260, no. 2, pp. 196--209, 2009.
L. Tournier and J.-L. Gouzé. Hierarchical analysis of piecewise affine models of gene regulatory networks, Theory in Biosciences, vol. 127, no. 2, pp. 125--134, 2008.
L. Tournier and J.-L. Gouzé. Qualitative stability patterns for Lotka-Volterra systems on rectangles, in Proc. 11th International Workshop on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC'08)}, vol. 4981 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (St. Louis MO, USA), pp. 662--665, 2008.
L. Tournier and J.-L. Gouzé. Hierarchical analysis of piecewise affine models of gene regulatory networks, in Proc. 4th European Conference on Complex Systems (ECCS'07)}, (Dresden, Germany), p. p150, 2007.
J. Della Dora, A. Maignan, and L. Tournier. Dynamical systems, an algorithmic point of view, in Proc. Transgressive Computing 2006 (J.-G. Dumas, ed.), (Granada, Spain), pp. 3--14, 2006.
L. Tournier. Approximation of dynamical systems using S-systems theory: application to biological systems, in Proc. 2005 International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation (ISSAC'05)} (M. Kauers, ed.), (Beijing, China), pp. 317--324, ACM Press, 2005.