Mathématiques et Informatique Appliquées
du Génome à l'Environnement




Agence de moyen
Titre du projet
Nom de l'appel d'offre
AAP2024 projet pré-compétitif
Guillaume GAUTREAU
Participants de MaIAGE
H. Chiapello, T. Lacroix, V. Loux
Partenaires (hors MaIAGE)
MetaGenoPolis, Micalis/FME, Micalis/Nutriphage
Année de démarrage - Année de fin de projet
Date de fin du projet
Our project proposal aims to establish an extensive functional repertoire in fermented food
microbiomes, addressing the growing interest in the link between fermented foods, their
microbiomes, and their effects on human health. It seeks to provide comprehensive solutions for
handling large omics data by leveraging European and national initiatives. By utilizing state-of-the-
art INRAE software and curated food metagenomics data, the project will examine genes' function
using generalist and specialized in-house databases, while also developing new strain-tracking
tools, from single nucleotide polymorphisms to pangenomes. This effort aligns with the goal to
enhance understanding of fermentation dynamics and to promote innovation in fermentation
procedures and functional food development. Collaborative efforts will result in creating a user-
friendly application, the Fermented Food Genes Tracker (FFGT), which will serve as a global
resource for research accessibility. The project's multi-faceted objectives include providing functional
insights into the food microbiome, advancing subdominant microbiome tracking, and continuous
development. Using cutting-edge solutions, tasks involve constructing catalogs, analyzing
pangenomes and gene fluxes, strain tracking, adaptive sequencing, and functional annotations. The
GDFF consortium will greatly benefit from this integrated resource as a shared asset.
Année de soumission