Mathématiques et Informatique Appliquées
du Génome à l'Environnement



NewTargets Antibio 3.0

Agence de moyen
Titre du projet
New and innovative targets for the development of “first in class” drugs
Nom de l'appel d'offre
AMI Antibioresistance
Défi/axe ANR
Challenge 4 Innovation thérapeutique
Nalini Rama Rao
Participants de MaIAGE
Samantha Samson, Sylvain Marthey, Gwenaëlle André-Leroux,
Partenaires (hors MaIAGE)
Micalis, Institut Pasteur, CNRS, AP-HP, CEA
Année de démarrage - Année de fin de projet
Date de fin du projet
Antibiotics have drastically reduced mortality associated with infectious diseases. Yet, their effectiveness and easy access led to misuse and overuse, prompting bacteria to develop resistance. Currently, antibiotics usually target essential pathways, therefore inhibiting a broad spectrum of bacteria and increasing the risk of resistance development leading to dramatic health issues. Thus, new antibacterials are urgently needed. A major challenge for efficient drug design is to identify appropriate targets. This project focuses on the characterization of two original bacterial targets, the mutation frequency decline protein (Mfd) and the nicotinamide adenosine dinucleotide kinase (NADK), and their inhibition by novel molecules.
Année de soumission