Mathématiques et Informatique Appliquées
du Génome à l'Environnement



Lundi 26 avril 2021

Organisme intervenant (ou équipe pour les séminaires internes)
Nom intervenant
Fabien Raphel
Mathematical modeling and learning in safety pharmacology applications

Safety pharmacology is an essential process to study new molecules.
It tooks part in the early phases (in vitro) of the cycle life of a possible futur drug.
Currently, patch clamp is the reference technique to study the impact of a molecule on the electrical activity of cardiac cells. It is however slow and expensive. A recent device (MEA) allows a fast screening of molecules on cardiac tissues. These new electrical signals are nevertheless poorly understood. Our studies focus on three main points:
- The simulation of the MEA signals to enrich an experimental database.
- The development of a goal oriented dimension reduction method based on a classification score.
- The construction of a training set based on a classification score.
We will particularly focus on these first two points and some classification applications.

Salle de réunion 142, bâtiment 210
Date du jour